25 Jan architecture / mapping Adaptation, assimilation, imposition: Body configurations by VALIE EXPORT by Maxim Surin
11 May mapping / territories / visualisation Meteorographica, or methods of mapping the weather, by Francis Galton 1863 by Maxim Surin
17 Mar architecture / visualisation Metaphysics and other dystopian illustrations by Erdem Ergaz by Maxim Surin
07 Mar memory / territories / visualisation Mattew Craven’s Collages of lost civilizations by Maxim Surin
02 Mar architecture / scores About the spatial experience: Hans Dieter Schaal’s Paths, passages and spaces 1970′s by Maxim Surin
28 Jan architecture / Cinema / photography Attemps to represent time through photography: Hiroshi Sugimoto’s Theaters series by Maxim Surin
26 Jan territories / visualisation Forest and other interpretations of nature by Jamie Mills by Maxim Surin
23 Jan mapping / territories / visualisation Marco Cadioli’s Abstract journeys and necessary lines 2011 – 2013 by Maxim Surin