T.E.S.T. [ Trying Escape Sunday Tedium ]
“First test for an upcoming work with Hatori Yumi”
3112htm (Visuals) and Hatori Yumi (Sound).
HADAWAY [ton015]
“Algorithmically generated material”
Ujif_notfound (sound & video programming)
Raw data 2.0
Binary Coded Brain (visuals) and Hatori Yumi (Sound)
“The visuals of Croix are centered around the figure of the Kasimir Malevitch’s cross, symbol of the artistic consciousness. The figure itself is constituted of thousands of individual pixels, which explode in space according to the levels of energy of the audio. In silence, they reform the cross. The generative system is connected to the live music during the performance. It provides a quasi-literal visualization of the dynamics of the music all the while being the fixed point around which it revolves.”
Franck Vigroux (music) and Antoine Schmitt (visuals). More info here.
“EXP is a music-visual work based on the idea that fine art should attain the abstract purity of music. An attempt to assimilate the qualities found in music – including movement, rhythm, tempo, mood, intensity and compositional structure – within visual phenomena.”
Frank Bretschneider. More info here. 2010