Sound visualizations

Sound visualizations

T.E.S.T. [ Trying Escape Sunday Tedium ]
“First test for an upcoming work with Hatori Yumi”

3112htm (Visuals) and Hatori Yumi (Sound). 

HADAWAY [ton015]
“Algorithmically generated material”
Ujif_notfound (sound & video programming)

Raw data 2.0
Binary Coded Brain (visuals) and Hatori Yumi (Sound)

9010171-121 “Unofficial video for 9010171-121 by Autechere”
Kesson Dalef (visuals) & Autechere (Sound)
Magnetic ink Creation of Magnetic-Ink Prints’ process.
Robert Hodgin (visuals), Flashbulb (sound).
9010171-121 “Unofficial video for 9010171-121 by Autechere”
Kesson Dalef (visuals) & Autechere (Sound)

Audiovisual live performances

“The visuals of Croix are centered around the figure of the Kasimir Malevitch’s cross, symbol of the artistic consciousness. The figure itself is constituted of thousands of individual pixels, which explode in space according to the levels of energy of the audio. In silence, they reform the cross. The generative system is connected to the live music during the performance. It provides a quasi-literal visualization of the dynamics of the music all the while being the fixed point around which it revolves.”

Franck Vigroux (music) and Antoine Schmitt (visuals). More info here.

ALPHA “ALPHA is the codename of a series of audio-visual live performances planned for 2014. It involves sounds, visuals and algorithmic sequencing providing a unique experience for the audience in which sounds and visuals are melting into a dense, coherent and minimal artwork matter. From physical approach of the sound to customized algorithmic sequencers controlled in real-time on stage, ALPHA a/v live performance explores sounds and visuals fields and how one is related to the other by pushing and moving limits or walls between these creative fields.”
Julien Bayle. More info here.
Hydra “A large collection of vintage televisions displays a powerful and expressive signal generated from two Atari 2600s. The signal is randomly generated by the Ataris and is never exactly the same. We have developed a method for dimming and controlling the voltage with midi so that the signal can be played like an instrument. This results in a collaboration with the “ghost in the machine”. We control the rhythm and the timing, but the Ataris are always surprising us with a new signal of sound and image (see examples). We call this project Hydra, like the mythical beast because, like a hydra, We must cut off the power/head to control it, but it keeps growing a new head or new, erratic, expressive signal.” Atari 2600 + voltage control + ableton live = immersive synesthesic noise performance
Nohista + Tasman Richardson. More info here.
Quadrature The outcome from an Ars Electronica Futurelab residency presented at Ars Electronica Festival 2014. An AV live performance joining White Sample and  Raum.null, playing with several electronic devices including the Digital Logic Noise Generator, modular synthesizer and analog noise boxes. For the live visuals, the sound artists were supported by Futurelab members Veronika Pauser (VeroVisual) and Peter Holzkorn (voidsignal), as well as Michael Platz, who contributed a body controller he developed, to be used by Veronika as another way to influence the visuals in real-time.
White Sample + raum.null (sound), Vero Viusal + voidsignal (visuals), Michael Platz (Body controller). More info here.
SIISX / MUR “Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakamoto is a collaboration project between the German minimalist and audiovisual artist Carsten Nicolai (Alva Noto) & the contemporary Japanese pianist and composer Ryuichi Sakamoto. In this co-operation, two different generations meet and share the idea of electronic music as an inspiration source for new musical structures. Alva Noto processes the sounds from Sakamoto’s piano, creating a mixture of solo piano and glitchy micro electronic sounds.”
Alva Noto (visuals) + Ryuichi Sakamoto (sound). Video documentation by Victor Lara.
PIieces “Pieces is my new project in collaboration with the musician Squeaky Lobster. This “versatile installation” (as we like to call it) will take different shapes during the 5 steps of this work in progress” (Romain Tardy).
Romain Tardy (visuals) and Squeaky Lobster (music). More info here. 2012
Tempest “Audio and visual performance, Tempest associates the analog instruments of Franck Vigroux with the visual algorithms of Antoine Schmitt, to create a real system-universes of pure chaos, that can be seen in the movements of millions of particles and can be heard through the roaring of air. By manipulating the internal forces of this chaos, the performers give birth to audio and visual shapes that develop in time, with more or less stability, more or less evidence.”
Franck Vigroux (music)  and Antoine Schmitt (visuals). More info here 2012

“EXP is a music-visual work based on the idea that fine art should attain the abstract purity of music. An attempt to assimilate the qualities found in music – including movement, rhythm, tempo, mood, intensity and compositional structure – within visual phenomena.”
Frank Bretschneider. More info here. 2010

Syn_ Audiovisual Performance / 2ch projections | 2.1ch sound
Ryoichi Kurokawa. More info here. 2011.
Late speculation Audiovisual Performance.
Nonotak Studio. More info here.
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