Background research for Argos Centre for Arts and Media. Maxim Surin 2009–2010.
Virtueel-Platform is the sector institute for e-culture in the Netherlands.
e-culture refers to the ever-evolving relationship between information and communication technologies and the production and consumption of culture and the arts.
Art&Education – an international network of more than 70,000 visual-art professionals and academics on a daily basis through its website and e-mail list.
Baltan laboratories initiates, supports and disseminates innovative research and development activities in the field of art, technology and culture. is a type of organisation that is focused on providing a framework for the artist’s creative process.
BAM is the Flemish institute for visual, audiovisual and media art. It functions as an independent organisation that provides information, and encourages development and networking – both within the visual arts fields and crossing boundaries into other disciplines.
Bibliotheek Kunstwetenschappen L70 Library of Visual Arts/ Department of Art History, University of Ghent
Constant is a non-profit association, based and active in Brussels since 1997 in the fields of feminism, copyright alternatives and working through networks.
cultuurlab In the research centre IBBT-SMIT at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels several researchers are joining in the research cel ‘Cultuurlab’.
interface our space and social spaces is a cross-disciplinary research group at the Media, Arts and Design (MAD) Faculty (department of the Catholic University College of Limburg and the PHL University College). It brings together developers, artists, engineers and scientists, who all collaborate in hybrid teams on various research projects.
Creative Common Licence for cultural heritage institutions– Dutch perspective
FARO Flemish interface centre for cultural heritage (FARO. Vlaams steunpunt voor cultureel erfgoed vzw).
GAMA – Collections of European media art
IBBT (Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology) is an independent research institute founded by the Flemish government to stimulate ICT innovation. The IBBT team offers companies and organizations active support in research and development. It brings together companies, authorities, and non-profit organizations to join forces on research projects.
Both technical and non-technical issues are addressed within each of these projects.
Improving Access to European Cultural Heritage
Institute of Network Cultures
Media Map project
mediaartplatform (MAP) is a social networking website for media art professionals and enthusiasts: for artists, developers, technicians, curators, researchers, lecturers, students and for anyone who is generally interested in media art. Four institutions are currently collaborating on a pioneering project:
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
European Media Art Festival Osnabrück
documenta Archive in Kassel
Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival.
OKBV – The Art Libraries Society Flanders/Belgium (ARLIS Flanders/Belgium)
PACKED stands for Platform for the Archiving and Preservation of Audiovisual Arts.
Anthology Film Archives An international center for the preservation, study, and exhibition of film and video with a particular focus on American independent and avant-garde cinema and its precursors found in classic European, Soviet and Japanese film.
BBC – Archive
Electronic Arts Intermix
LightCone is a non-profit association with the aim of promoting, distributing, and preserving experimental cinema in France.
Deutsche Kinemathek
San Francisco Cinematheque
Video Data Bank
ArchiVolt: Research Center for Archives and Avante-gardes
Sint-Lukas Antwerpen
Track Report
Universiteit Antwerpen
Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles – Research Department
Arts Numeriques
Brussels kunsteducatie
Ecole de recherche graphique
IMAL (interactive Media Art Laboratory) Interactive Media Art Laboratory, Brussels.
INRACI institut national de radioelecticité et cinematographie
INSAS Institute national superieur des arts du spectacle et des techniques de diffusion
Hogeschool Sint-Lukas Brussel
Hogeschool voor Wetenschap & Kunst
Kunsteducatie voor Vlaanderen
lab-au Laboratory for architecture and urbanism, Brussels.
L’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels de La Cambre
L’Ecole Supérieure communale des Arts de l’image “Le 75″
Mediaruimte Galerie d’arts et architectures digitales, Brussels.
Nadine Transdisciplinary laboratory for contemporary artists, Brussels.
Okno Support for artists in the field of technology and media arts, Brussels.
Rits Erasmushogeschool Brussel
Transmedia at Sint-Lucas
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Atelier Mediakunst
Hogeschool Gent research projects
KASK Cahiers
Sint-Lucas Gent
Universiteit Gent
EDM, the Expertise centre for Digital Media
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
The Institute for Practice-based Research in the Arts
Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg
L’Institut des Arts de Diffusion
CECN Le Centre des Ecritures Contemporaines Numériques
De Nayer Instituut– ICT – research
Hogeschool Antwerpen – Technologie – Electronica-ICT – Research – Grafische en digitale media
Hogeschool Brussel – Elektronica-ICT – Research
Hogeschool Gent – Educative Project for students of teachers
Hogeschool Hasselt – Toegepaste informatica – Research (ICT in education) – Research
Hogeschool Leuven – Informatica – Research
Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen – Elektronica-ICT – Research
KaHo Sint-Lieven (hogeschool in Aalst, Gent en Sint-Niklaas) – Elektronica-ICT
Katholieke Hogeschool Brugge-Oostende – Research centre
Katholieke hogeschool Kempen – Elektronica – ICT
Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg – Electronica-ICT – Communicatie- en multimediadesign – Research – Social spaces
Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-West-Vlaanderen – Elektronica-ICT
Katholieke Univesiteit Leuven – Research-groups and lessons
Media & Design Academy – Education and ICT
Universiteit Antwerpen – Informatica – Research
Universiteit Gent – Research-group
European network of higher educational institutions and training organisations in the area of cultural management and cultural policy. EU’s Digital Priorities at Lisbon Council 2009
Inspiration. Creativity. Innovation. By Flanders District of Creativity, the Flemish organization for entrepreneurial creativity.
HASTAC – Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory
Arts Management Network
Arts & Business
Alex Osterwalder
Audiences Central
Cultural and Social Entrepreneurship
Digital Shift
DShed – Imagination, inspiration & innovation from Watershed
Mission Models Money – Network of thinkers and doers whose vision is to transform the way the arts use their resources to support the creation and experience of great art.
National Arts Marketing Project
NESTA – NESTA is the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts – an independent body with a mission to make the UK more innovative.
Non-fiction– Office for Cultural Innovation
Taking part in the arts