Gallery One, One Year Later: Sustainability, and New Smartphone App


“MCN 2013: Gallery One, One Year Later: Analytics, Sustainability, and New Smartphone App” – Jane Alexander, Caroline Goeser and Seema Rao

The Cleveland Museum of Art created Gallery One to welcome all visitors, offering them new possibilities to experience art in a participatory way through interpretive technology. Fifty-five art objects from the permanent collection are arranged in thematic groupings that cross time and cultures. Interactive, multi-touch screens interpret selected art installations, allowing visitors to engage actively with the art. The 40-foot Collection Wall, the largest multi-touch microtile screen in the United States, allows visitors to discover the full breadth of the collections on view and to shape their own tours of the museum. The _ ArtLens _ iPad app works in conjunction with the Collection Wall to provide visitors with rich mobile interpretation of art throughout the museum.

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